Our parishes are all committed to the Chelmsford diocesan strategy “Transforming Presence”. We seek to be a Christian presence in each of the communities we serve and all of our churches are keen to welcome new people and to grow spiritually and numerically. This is an exciting time to join us as we move together into a new stage
of our common life.

Thurstable and Winstree is a Team Ministry formed by the joining together of three neighbouring benefices, comprising nine parishes. Each of our churches has its own distinctive character but we have strong and growing relationships across the parishes.


Latest Information

Our churches are open for worship - please see our weekly news sheet below for service times and
details of other events taking place during the week.

Our Churches are preparing for their AMp & APCMs in the coming weeks,
the dates and times are as follows:

Sunday 12th May   Tiptree with Tolleshunt Knights and Great Braxted 11 am

Wednesday 22nd May,   Layer Marney 8 pm in church

The Church of England has a range of resources to help you pray at home and follow services that are being streamed live. You can find these at https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/church-online .

The clergy will be saying prayers daily and welcome your prayer requests.

Sunday Services and Resources for Worship at home

Weekly News Sheet

This includes news and information about services and events in all of our churches: Copford, Easthorpe, Great Braxted, Inworth, Messing, Layer Breton with Birch, Layer de la Haye, Layer Marney and Tiptree


About us

Find out about who we are and what is going on in our churches for children, young people and families, as well as services and events by following clicking the drop-down menu ‘About us’. Also, details about the Foodbank.

To find out what we do, click link here:



Are you thinking of getting married in church?